Whirlwind DMX 35T - DMX Cable Tester
This cable tester checks 3 and 5 pin XLR DMX lighting cables and also indicates the presence of the DMX DATA signal when connected to a functioning control line.
CABLE INTEGRITY TEST Plug a 3 or 5 pin XLR type cable into the corresponding SEND and RECEIVE jacks on the DMX 35 tester. Rotating the test knob through the 5 positions (3 for 3 pin XLR cables) “sends” voltage to the corresponding LED and pin of the cable connected to the SEND jack, through the cable and back to the pin and LED receiving the voltage at the RECEIVE jack. Rotating through all the positions will indicate how a cable is wired by lighting the corresponding SEND and RECEIVE LEDs. Cables with shorted conductors will light additional SEND and RECEIVE LEDs identifying which wires are shorted. Cables with open conductors will only light the SEND LED. The “SHELL TO PIN 1” LEDs will light if the shell of the XLR is connected to pin 1 of the XLR at either end.
DMX DATA TEST Plug the DMX control line into the RECEIVE jack on the DMX 35. Both LEDs should light with signal present and with a good cable. If either LED does not light, that line may be stuck low (no signal is present). While fading dimmers from zero to full, both LEDs should flicker during the fade. If either LED stays steady that line may be stuck high. With all dimmers at full, the green LED should be brighter than the red LED. If the red LED is brighter, DATA- (pin 2) and DATA+ (pin 3) lines may be reversed NOTE: These tests assume that the DMX signal being generated is relatively high-speed. These tests may not work accurately with slow DMX signals.